Oral Problems From Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is your body’s impaired reaction to gluten, a group of proteins found in some foods. Celiac can affect different systems in your body, including your mouth and teeth. Below are some of the oral problems you might develop due to having a celiac allergy.
Celiac disease can damage your teeth in multiple ways. Below are some common dangers.
Celiac disease can often trigger a condition that dentists call enamel hypoplasia. The condition means you have enamel inadequacy. You need adequate enamel to protect the sensitive inner tissues of the teeth, such as the dentin. Thus, teeth with inadequate enamel are extra sensitive to extreme temperatures.
Teeth Discoloration
The enamel is the hardest part of a tooth. Even discoloring substances in food and drinks don’t penetrate the enamel easily. The protection wanes if you develop enamel hypoplasia. Thus, people suffering from celiac disease tend to develop some teeth discoloration faster than others.
Celiac disease also increases your risk of xerostomia – otherwise known as chronic dry mouth. The risk of xerostomia increases due to a link between celiac disease and Sjögren’s syndrome. The syndrome causes your body to attach the glands that produce saliva in your mouth. The result is chronic dry mouth plus its effects, such as mouth odor.
Dental Cavities
Enamel protects your teeth from various threats, as mentioned above. Thin enamel allows bacteria and acids to attack your teeth easier. The attacks cause dental cavities, so your risk of dental cavities increases with celiac disease.
Slow Dental Development
Dentists have also noticed a connection between celiac disease and slow dental development. With the disease, a child’s baby or permanent teeth might not grow on schedule.
Oral Sores
Lastly, celiac disease also increases your risk of oral sores. Oral sores attach to the inside of the lips, tongue, and even gums.
Doctors do not know the exact cause of celiac diseases. However, the following are some possible causes.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Nutritional deficiencies can occur in two main ways. The first is if your diet does not contain all the nutrients your body needs. The second is if you eat the right food, but your body cannot absorb some of the nutrients you need. Whatever the cause of your nutritional deficiencies, doctors believe they can lead to celiac disease.
Weakened Immune System
Some evidence also shows that celiac disease can develop because of a weak immune system. The immune defect causes your body to attack your small intestines when you ingest gluten.
Management of celiac disease and its effects on your oral health can take several forms. Below are some approaches that may work.
Symptom Management
Your dentist will help you manage the effects of celiac disease on your oral and dental health. For example, you may need:
- Dental sealing to minimize the risk of cavities
- Medication to stimulate saliva production
- Desensitizing agents to reduce teeth sensitivity
Your treatment will depend on the specific ways the disease has damaged your teeth.
Extra Oral Care
Since celiac disease increases one’s risk of having multiple oral conditions, you may need enhanced oral care if you have the disease. For example, you should floss and brush daily without fail. You should also never skip any dental examination session by your dentist.
Gluten-free Diet
Your dentist will handle celiac disease’s effects on your mouth, while your primary care physician will handle the disease’s effect on other parts of the body. For example, your primary care physician may advise you to avoid gluten products to minimize the disease effects.
Celiac may require the intervention of both your doctor and your dentist. However, you need dental treatment for all your dental and oral problems, whether you have celiac or not. Contact Apollo Dental Center for all your dental problems and enjoy our professional services.